This is a transcription from part of a Bashar lecture. I have added some Seth Knowledge too. They both say the same things in different ways. I liken that to colours of a rainbow. Seth is let’s say the colour red and Bashar yellow, I want all the colours to have the full rainbow. And that’s why I love to listen to different teachers. In the end I mix in my own perspective in and get the perfect rainbow, the perfect prism FOR ME. Just like you can create Yours.

This text also explains why it is you can tap into past lives, and how you can realease your self from your old and perhaps limiting story. I wish this text gives you the Freedom of heart & mind you long for and are worthy of.

May this give you the Feeling and Vibration of Freedom, Ease and Sovereignty. Our lives are what We make it. Isn’t it wonderful.

Minute 4:52

You didn’t change the world that was there, that world is still there. 

You have shifted to an already parallel reality that is reflective of the vibratory frequency you have shifted to personally.

Thus when you look around and you see differences it is because you have taken yourself, you have shifted yourself to a parallel earth that already had those differences in it. The old earth, the other parallel reality still exists, still looks the same.

It didn’t change. But YOU have changed your focus of consciousness. So the idea of helping people change or helping to change your world is the idea REALLY of offering other people a point of view that contains a certain frequency a certain pitch, a certain state of being. And if, if, if, if they choose to match to mirror that frequency you are offering that goes along with that different point of view. They than will see the difference in the world to which they have shifted to.

They will shifted the difference in them reflected in the world they have shifted to. But again, the other world still there it hasn’t gone anywhere all possible parallel realities exist NOW. 

Co-exist simultaneously. There is only one eternal Now. Everything exists in it. We understand that from your linear space-time perspective this may not seem to be so. But many of you are now beginning to realise this is really just an illusion.

The idea really is to understand that what you call different changes, different moments, different places different times different experiences even different lives. All these things co-exist at the same time so to speak. They are really just different perspectives of the same eternal NOW moment.

So what you call The Past, exists right now. What you call The Future, exists right now. There really is no Future in the future, no Past in the past. Those are simply different frequencies, different experiences all going on at the same time as what you call the present.


Seth; “The past has no power over you…

Relax, all of you. You do yourselves no good by rehashing the past in a negative manner. This applies to you and to everyone in the room, in whatever way given. Your future selves are as real as your past selves. You are here. You are with your selves and you are safe.”


“Make There Here and Then Now.”


Continues at 7.16

The idea is that there simply different viewpoints of the present and from your linear space-time experience, the perspective, you have created with the EXPERIENCE, of linear space-time you can create this idea that something comes before, and then something comes next, then something comes after but it doesn’t really do that. 

An analogy we often use to illustrate this point is what you call one of your filmstrips on earth. You know that when you go to watch your movie, it is made of a filmstrip that has many frames well when you are watching the movie, from the perspective of being an audience member you can say well first we see this frame, then that frame, then the next frame then the next and we get this illusion of continuity, this illusion of motion, this illusion of the passage of time and things start here and things end there. However.if you are in the projection booth above the audience you can take the film canister, you can take out the film, you can stretch out the strip of the film in front of you and you can see all the frames at the same time. You can even look at this frame first, then that frame, then that frame, then that frame, then that frame in any order you wish. Linear space-time has been in that sense nullified. The idea is that all the frames exist at the same time but from the perspective of the audience member they only exist in a sequence to tell a story. To have an experience. But that doesn’t tell you what’s actually mechanically happening. It doesn’t describe the existence of the film strip and the perspective of the projection is to can see all the frames at the same time. 

This is analogues to your physical consciousness in physical reality experiencing linear physical space-time and the idea of your higher mind, your oversoul experiencing all your moments, all your lives at once. 

And the idea thus then is the reason you can connect to other lives to other experiences is because they all exist at the same time.. So you can simply cross-connect. Shift your vibration.


“The self that you have projected into the future is sending you back encouragement from a probable reality that you can still create.”

Continues minute 9:35

Again another analogy as we have often said, your television analogy; at any given moment you can watch whatever program on your tv set you want. This does not mean there are not other programs available but you only get the program you are TUNED to at any given moment. But when you change the channel, when you shift your frequency, you get another program. It doesn’t mean the program you were watching is no longer there. They all exist at the same time, but you only perceive whatever IS the vibration you are tuned to within yourself. 


 “The Point of Power is Now, and from that point you decide which You, Which World.”

End minute 1o:o6

If you’d like to be assisted by me into your best Freedom Life, I’d love to guide you through my signature program; Hello Freedom, Goodbye Fear. Which is tailor made per individual that I work with.