Hey you, it’s Wednesday and time for a new blogpost. I hope and trust that you are enjoying the process and learning lots about yourself as we go along. Yesterday I posted this video on Youtube, in which you can listen to the quote that follows. In here are two important things that you should use as a strategy to materialise your desires. And the title already gives it away, I will get deeper into the mechanics of Inspired Action below this quote.

Picture by Kyla Flanagan

In those areas in which you are dissatisfied, you feel that you are powerless or that your will is paralysed or that conditions continue despite what you think of as your intent.

Yet if you pay attention to your own quite conscious thoughts, you will find that you are concentrating upon precisely those negative aspects that so appall you. You are hypnotising yourself quite effectively and so reinforcing the situation. You may say, horrified, “What can I do? I am hypnotising myself into my overweight condition (or my loneliness or my poor health).” Yet in other facets of your life you may be hypnotising yourself into wealth, accomplishment, satisfaction – and here you do not complain. The same issues are involved. The same principles are operating. In those positive life situations you are certain of your initiative. There is no doubt. Your beliefs become reality.

Now: In the unsatisfactory aspects, you must understand this: there is also no doubt.

You are utterly convinced that you are sick or poor or lonely or spiritually opaque or unhappy.The results, then, as easily and effortlessly follow. Natural hypnosis, in the terms given here, operates as well in one case as in the other.What should you do, then?

First of all, you must realise that you are the hypnotist. You must seize the initiative here as you have in other positive aspects of your life. Whatever the superficial reasons for your beliefs, you must say:

For a certain amount of time I will momentarily suspend what I believe in this area and wilfully accept the belief I want. I will pretend that I am under hypnosis, with myself as hypnotist and subject. For that time desire and belief will be one. There will be no conflict because I do this willingly. For this period I will completely alter my old beliefs.

Even though I sit quietly, in my mind I will act as if the belief I want were mine completely.At this point do not think of the future but only of the present. If you are overweight, insert the weight that you think is ideal for you while you are following this exercise. Imagine that you are healthy if you have the belief that you are not. If you are lonely, believe that you are filled with the feeling of companionship instead. Realise that you are exerting your initiative to imagine such situations. Here there can be no comparison with your normal situation. Use visual data or words – whatever is most natural to you.

And again, no more than ten minutes is required.If you do this faithfully, within a month you will find the new conditions materialising in your experience. Your neurological structure will respond automatically. the unconscious will be aroused, bringing its great powers to bear, bringing you the new results. DO NOT try to overdo this, to go through the entire day worrying about beliefs, for example. This can only cause you to contrast what you have with what you want. Forget the exercise when it is completed.

You will find yourself with impulses that arrive in line with these newly inserted beliefs, and then it IS up to you to act on these and not ignore them.

Nature Of Personal Reality 1973.04.25 session 659

What’s important with regards to Inspired Action is the HOW and the WHAT. To connect this also back to Neville, the HOW that Seth speaks about:

I will pretend that I am under hypnosis, with myself as hypnotist and subject. For that time desire and belief will be one.

When you do this, as Seth says, you will get yourself into a STATE. Let me first connect this to Neville’s teachings before I continue :

In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would hav etold you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune, Chapter 15 – Interval of Time.

With Mansion is meant State of Consciousness or in short STATE. When you hypnotise yourself into believing that your desire is a fact, then you moved into a certain STATE, which is a different STATE than you were in before.

Because you are in that new STATE: “You will find yourself with impulses that arrive in line with these newly inserted beliefs, and then it IS up to you to act on these and not ignore them.

And these impulses that arrive in line with the new BELIEF you hypnotised yourself in, or the STATE that you are now thinking from, inspire you to behave in a different way than you did before. The behaviour that comes from this is called Inspired Action and it’s not really different than any action you normally undertake except that this action moves you in line with your wanted desires.

Let me give you two examples to clarify what I’m talking about.

  1. The Smoking One (SO) and the Quit- Smoking One (QSO) : The SO is in the State of Smoker. Has hypnotised themselves into believing they need cigarettes to feel better, more calm and what not. From this State you get nervous when you don’t have cigarettes and as soon as you put one in your mouth you feel calm and happy and relaxed. The QSO is in the State of Non Smoker. They have hypnotised themselves into doing different things whenever the urge for a cigarette comes up. At first this was completely new and extremely uncomfortable, but after a while it feels natural and normal and now they enjoy feeling the tingling energy of nervousness coursing through them and see it as a sign of being alive. This extra new energy has inspired them to sign up for a marathon and has them run in the forrest every other day because they enjoy filling up their lungs with fresh and clean forrest air. Instead of pushing down feelings of discomfort with lighting a cigarette they now feel inspired to sit down, close their eyes and meditate when the going gets tough.
  2. The Lucky Person (LP) and the Unlucky Person UP): The LP feels joyful and is grateful in general. They enter contests forgot that they entered these and win things, they (feel inspired to) go for a walk in the park and run into their favourite person that they haven’t seen in a while They enjoy the sun very much and even rain can be enjoyment. They know that “There’s no such thing as good weather or bad weather. There is just weather and your opinion about it.” – Louise Hay The UP goes through life complaining and feeling sh*t in general. Whenever they buy something it breaks after only 2 times using, even though it was a really expensive and supposively of a good quality thingy and it seems that whatever they think up or do it ends up in another reason to cry or whine.

In as well example one as two these 4 people in total are in a State of Consciousness. They have hypnotised themselves into believing that life works in a certain way for them. And all of them can knowingly or unknowingly fall down or jump up into a different State.

Behaviour comes from the State you are in. It is all included. So whenever you are hypnotising yourself and you feel drawn to behave in a different way, to give a stranger a compliment instead of looking away what you normally do, or call up your bestie from 5 years ago that you haven’t spoken to in a long time … Go for it. Everything and everyone is there, in your version of the Universe, to assist you realising the life you desire. And you can never know beforehand what bridge of events you are taken over to get you ‘THERE’.

This is it for today lovely one. I hope you enjoyed reading and listening and I’m looking forward to sharing more with you.

As a closing; to answer the question that I posed in the title: What is Inspired Action and how do I know if it is Inspired Action? Whenever you are so far that you are asking yourself this question, it is not Inspired Action anymore, but it’s your beautiful mind interfering. And you can see this as feedback that you need to hypnotise yourself some more 😉

Much much love and …

You’ve got this.

x Monique