Are You Reacting or are You Creating?

Hey you,

This post will be a short one, and it’s a reminder and magic tip of how you make life work for you, no matter your belief system.

Picture by Ravi Pinisetti

It’s also the trait that the most successful people have in common and it is this:

Never let anyone or anything dictate how you feel. 

YOU decide from moment to moment how you feel. You are in control of your feelings, of your attitude towards people, things and circumstances. At Any Time.That is your super power. It’s the difference between reacting and creating.

When you react, you let the outside dictate your next creation. When you observe and let it be you stay in charge of your energy, of your power and you can direct it in any way you can.

I am recording meditations for you that will help you focused on where you need to stay focused. That prevent you from swaying, because you determine where your mind is wandering and thus where you direct your creative energy.

Keep an eye out on my Youtube, the meditations will start next Monday.

Edit: You can find all the meditations I did here

“You can have anything you want, as long as you HAVE IT “.

F. Dodson

Much, much love,


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