Living Your Purpose; From My First Book

Hey you. So I have been writing my first book, or actually channeling what all form of creation is. Also when You create something from the non-physical into the physical. And I would like to share a part from it.


beautiful elephant image by: Geran de Klerk

First let me tell you what it is about in general. It is about words. And how Words are at the basis of all creation. The words you think, and the words you speak. The name of the book is called: Words – Create Worlds and in there I will give you the basics of reality creation, affirmations for different areas in your life and some consciously created things and experiences from my personal life to bring the theory even more alife.

As soon as the book is finished, you can find it here on my website and I might also offer it elsewhere depending on what it wants. Yes you read that correctly. Everything has consciousness. And it’s no different for this book.

If you are currently not enjoying what you do, it is highly likely that you are not yet living your purpose. You can create living your purpose by telling yourself a different story, through using different words when you speak to yourself. When will you experience a change in your life? As I also answer in the FAQ, and this is a Seth quote: “As you alter the belief, the physical evidence will gradually begin to ‘prove’ your new belief as faithfully as it did the old one.”

And: “Your exterior improvements are the result of inner workings, and they represent the growth of inner confidence.”

Here are the affirmations for the Purpose area in the book.



“Those desires of yours, that are fitting to your nature, will automatically come to pass, unless you block them through disadvantageous belief.”


I have Wonderful Work and in a Wonderful Way, I make a Wonderful Living for a Wonderful Pay* ; 

I Feel So Blessed that I’m Living My Purpose ; 

Every Day when I open my eyes, I’m So Happy to start a New Day ; 

I make Money just by Being Me ; 

Everything That I have done up until Now, has led me to what I Am Today ; 

I Am Living My Best Life ; 

Because I Know What I don’t want, it’s Easy for Me to Know what I Do Want ; 

I have a Reason for Being Here, and that Reason is Very Clear.

*inspired by Florence Scovel Shinn

As with anything in life, when you would like to be successful at something, you need to repeat. If the sentences don’t resonate with you, change them so that they will. A tip when changing, use positive expressions as much as you can.

For example: “I’m so happy I don’t work at ‘abc’ anymore ” can be also said: “I am so happy that I found the perfect company to work for”.

Have fun with this and I see you soon in here or on my Youtube.

Much, much love,


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