The Life of a Conscious Creator kinda looks like this…

Let me fill you in on the happenings at this moment. It feels like it’s a culmination of some sort and I’m on a very clear crossroads. You know how before any major change happens, some same old, same old pops up because it’s ready to be released? Well here’s what’s been going on.

  1. I was wanting a part-time job for several reasons and it looked like I had created the perfect one. Until they came up with the hourly rate. Well not so much the rate actually, more the things they listed to do for this rate. Or maybe both.

What does it tell me? It tells me that I am out of wack when it comes to what I believe I deserve, and what I REALLY believe I deserve. Because energy doesn’t lie. I have wrote them an email, being honest and I’m very curious to find out what will be next. I’m at the point in my life that I trust a lot, and even though I was really looking forward to starting here, I’m also ok with letting it be and looking forward to whatever I have in store for me next.

2. This morning I created 2 people – completely separate from each other – to be extremely intense in their communication towards me, and then a third was acting victim galore.

What does this tell me? It tells me that I’m apparently vibe-ing at a level where this can enter my field. How do I change it? By not reacting to it emotionally, only then it has a chance to change. And I have to say I’m doing pretty good with that.

3. I created an invitation to an e-casting. And I really dislike these e-castings. I have entered a couple of them, they cost a lot of energy and trouble and I haven’t heard back from any of them.

What does this tell me? That if I want to create an invitation to a different kind of casting I should not enter this anymore [which I didn’t] and hold the vision for the type of casting that I would like to be invited to, and know that this is possible for me.

4. I created someone else, someone I know being visible on posters throughout the city. Something that I actually have been wishing for myself.

What does this tell me? It tells me that I have a choice in what I can make this mean; I can decide to have it mean this is possible for me too and apparently it’s close. Or I can have it mean that I am not pretty enough and that these things always happen to others, not me. My reality, my choice…

5. Oh AND I also have something really cool to share. Which is that I won 115 EUR in the lottery. It’s the highest amount to date that I won in a lottery!

What does this tell me? My vibe of allowing larger random wins come is on par.

Ok my lovelies. I will keep you updated on what happens or better said, what I created to happen and in the mean time, stay aware and stay happy.

Oh and before I leave you, something really important; None of this is my fault, it is all just playing and understanding how energy creates. So when something is not to my liking, I don’t react if I can help it, I instead focus on what I do want to create.

Let me end with some quotes on changing probabilities – changing what you experience next – these are from Seth, collected by Lynda Madden Dahl:

One of the least understood concepts in Seth’s material seems to be probabilities; yet it is crucial to both our practical NOW and inner reality, because it brings so much clarity to how and why events occur in our lives. So here’s Seth to kick off this discussion with some words of advice:“If you understand the nature of probabilities, you will not need to pretend to ignore your present situation. You will recognize it instead as a probable reality that you have physically materialized. Taking that for granted, you will then begin the process necessary to bring a different probability into physical experience.”…………………………………………………………………………………

* Probabilities are an ever-present portion of your invisible psychological environment.* You exist in the middle of a probable system of reality. It is not something apart from you.* To some extent it is like a sea in which you have your present being. You are in it, and it is in you.* This probable field…is composed of thought images, not physically materialized in your terms, but vivid storehouses of energy.* You use probabilities like blocks to build events.…………………………………………………………………………………

* Before you make your decision, each of these probable actions are equally valid.* Now all of these possible actions have a reality at that point. They are all capable of being actualized in physical terms.* The nature of any given probable action does not lead to any particular inevitable act.* Each event you form from any set of probabilities automatically gives rise to new probabilities.* There are in your terms unlimited probable future events for which you are now setting groundworks. The nature of the thoughts and feelings you originate sets a pattern.…………………………………………………………………………………

* In your present moment of time, you are positioned in the center of a cosmic web of probabilities that is affected by your slightest mental or emotional act.* To dwell upon the possibility of illness or disaster is poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities that need not occur.* You are learning how to transform an imaginative realm of probabilities into a physically experienced world.* This is a psychological organization, consisting of a selection of chosen probable events. They wait in the wings, so to speak, for physical actualization.* From this field of probabilities you choose patterns of thought which you will weave into the physical matter of your universe.…………………………………………………………………………………

* The nature of probabilities must be understood, for the time has come in the world as you experience it where the greatest wisdom and discrimination are needed.* In your terms, the moment point, the present, is the point of interaction between all existences and reality. All probabilities flow through it.* Because a course is begun, this does not mean that it cannot be changed at any point.* The path of experience is nowhere settled. There is no one road that does not have avenues to another.* There are deep veins of probable actions ever available to you at any given time.…………………………………………………………………………………

* It is basically FAR MORE rational to enjoy the summer night present to your senses than to react instead to unpleasant events separated from you in probabilities.* Any given event can be changed not only before and during, but after its occurrence. I am not speaking symbolically.*…In your dreams you work with probabilities and decide which ones will become your physical “true facts.”* (Your inner self) computes probabilities with blinding speed…all with a loving intent that has your best purposes in mind.…………………………………………………………………………………

Excerpts from various Seth books, compiled by Lynda Madden Dahl (originally italicized words in caps)

Much much love


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