Divine Orchestration at it’s finest. How my thought to start a YouTube channel became a fact through a ‘chance meeting’ with Teal Swan.

Me with Teal Swan

I had been toying with the idea of starting a YouTube channel for a while. I also knew I wanted to do it on the topic of healthy sexuality, a topic close to my own heart.

Well, apparently The Universe agreed with my idea because how it came to be was pretty ‘Higher Mind on the mountain top and lower mind in the valley following the bread crumbs’ – magical.

Berlin friends of mine were crazy about Teal Swan who would be coming to Amsterdam but I wasn’t interested.

It so happened that a high-school friend of mine Melissa was going to her seminar, I was surprised. Was this her thing?

If you’ve never heard of Teal and don’t know her story; She’s had an intense child hood steeped in sexual and other kinds of abuse. She spoke about it in a way that puzzled me at the time, and now I’m happy to understand it viscerally; She speaks about her story as a creator of her own reality and not as a victim to her personal reality.

So whom better to launch your channel with than Teal?!

I spoke to my friend Melissa on the phone and she told me that her friend Patricia was interviewing Teal for her spiritual radio station. My ears and energy perked up. Wait. What?

I smelled a guest list and a possible meeting with Teal. Princess yes haha, but you know what The Universe and my Inner Being love me, ALL of me ;-D anyway

I asked Melissa if I could join them and that I would LOVE to be present at the interview. She didn’t give me much chance, but she would check with Patricia anyway.

Well, it was done and dusted and already a plan that my and Teal’s Higher Self had concocted because in the end I could not only join for free, I also GOT TO INTERVIEW HER ?!? It was all so crazy matter of factly that it felt like I had landed in a completely different dimension.

And all of a sudden 2 happenings* in the weeks leading up to the seminar made sense to me, connecting the dots backwards.

I learned that I could join and interview a day before the actual seminar and the interview was the day after that, so I booked a last-minute from Berlin to Amsterdam and on my way I went.

The day of the interview, Melissa, Patricia and I traveled to the house Teal stayed in with her team. A house located in Amsterdam Ijburg. Teal had been upstairs and I was admiring their beautiful Airbnb rental.

All of it was very surreal and what was even crazier, was that as soon as she saw me she took a little sprint and gave me the biggest hug as if we were long lost sisters. ….

I was over the moon about her enthusiasm and to be in her presence. She is not only breath-takingly beautiful on the outside also her energy is very wonderful to bask in. I gifted her one of my Fra Lippo Lippie lip & cheeks which she adored.

Patricia started with her interview and then it was my time. I don’t believe I prepared a lot, I flow best off the cuff. My very first interview and with a ‘star’ haha.

And that is how my very first video and YouTube channel came into being.

This is the video if you’re interested.


*2 interesting events that happened in the weeks after I had heard that Teal would be in Amsterdam was that I found a Teal sweater that I loved. I had never had anything in the colour Teal before and naturally I had to think of Teal. And the other event was me sitting in the waiting room at my naturopath and I randomly thought of Teal and as soon as I thought her name the lights flickered. I didn’t make much of these two events, until later. Connecting the Dots Backwards….