These are not just random words, for you maybe, for me they are my values – for now, for the version of me that I am now being – and they are part of my purpose.

Knowing what you stand for and what you came here to do can not be put into words. It is the BEST feeling. And it’s actually quite easy to figure out. And it isn’t how you think it is.

If you are interested in figuring out your values, and those of loved ones because it can help you understand them better and thus respect them for who they are easier, then you are in luck. I will host a free webinar soon to help you figure out your values and so your purpose.

Drop me a line at , let me know that you are interested and I will let you know when it will be.

Then I want to leave you with this video, the basics of conscious creation that helped one of my coaching brave hearts through a difficult day.

Wishing all of you a beautiful one!

With Love,


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