Hey everyone, I’m writing you from Auckland New Zealand. I made it! It was a wonderful, a stressful and a relaxing journey all in one. Just like this country has every possible landscape, I moved through all the possible landscapes in myself too.

And while it’s not always easy to accept the not so wonderful landscapes, I know they are just as valid and important as the ones we easily consider beautiful. Because: No rain, no flowers ;-D

The game of life is about Joy, Self-Acceptance, Abundance in all forms and knowing you’re worthy of it ALL. It’s about growth, sharing, Love and Laughter. Everything is allowed to be a part of it, like depression, anger, tears, hatred. And nothing is inherently wrong, if you don’t make it so.

You can not get it wrong, ever. Because if you are going through it, it serves you. You chose it on some level and it helps either you or someone else that you go through what you are going through.

What makes my life worth while is learning and teaching. Holding space, uplifting and inspiring. And leaving the world more beautiful than it was before I came into physical reality this time around.

What is it that makes your life worth while?

If you haven’t already, check out this webinar that I did explaining about my program: Hello Freedom, Goodbye Fear. What we also go through is an exercise to figure out your purpose, or the thing you came “here” to do. That thing is based on your values, and if you know your values you can more easily chose the direction that is yours. You can more easily find out which answer fits you, whenever there is a question.

And remember, whenever you think you make a wrong turn, you will eventually be led to the right path again. When you start to listen to that voice within you. It’s very simple. But it’s not always easy.

A rule of thumb is, when you feel contraction in your body, it’s not the right way. And when you are scared but you jump anyway and you feel this great relieve opening up in that beautiful earth suit of yours, then you know that you made the right choice.

Before I leave you I want you to know that YOU will never let yourself down. EVER.

With so much love,


See You In the Next.

ps if you have any requests for posts, let me know. In one of my next ones I will share about my journey to Auckland.

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