Hey you, nice to see you again.

Are you also one of these people, I know I can be, that tend to make plans with regards to how to eat and which training to do in the day ahead of time because if you don’t you’re afraid you won’t which will cause all of your hard training and food-game work to go down the drain?

Well. I discovered something today – again – that allows me to understand the why behind the [lack] of trustworthiness.

First I want to start of with a quote from Seth, who says:

Something really interesting happens when you start trusting yourself, you become very trustworthy …

Seth by Jane Roberts

When I woke up today I was not so happy to discover that I had my period, not only was I feeling queezy but also very low on energy which meant no Asana practice today, no pull-ups, jump-squats or push-ups.

The latter I do kinda daily, and I love them, the Asana practice I don’t because it is just too intense for me at the moment.

Bleh. Ok, first I had some coaching calls anyway so after I slowly got ready to go to the next Bay called Browns Bay [ I’m currently at Torbay while I’m writing this ] and have a coffee in a new cafe that I discovered yesterday.

I felt surprisingly well when I went on my way, and while I first planned to take the bus, I felt good enough to go by foot. It’s a lovely half an hour walk and I absolutely adore moving, so that was great.

I arrived at the cafe, it had start raining gently on my way over which I didn’t let it affect me, I actually had to laugh about it and I was super happy it hadn’t started pooring hard, which it sometimes does out of the blue over here.

I ordered a coffee and all of a sudden I see a painting of the same girl I made a picture and an Insta post with a couple of days before. My Airbnb place has that picture up the wall and I felt a connection with it. What the ….

You know and I know that this is a creation that is personal to me and it has a message for me. The longer I looked in her eyes the more I understood that it was my inner child talking to me.

She wanted to have the attention today. And I agreed, it had been a while since she was able to call the shots. Normally there is always the grown up that doesn’t let her have the brownie, or do absolutely nothing but what she wants to do. There is always a plan. And while that plan often involves playing, it is the planned playing that makes it a bit less child-like.

She wanted nothing but just to hang, look out of the window and see the gorgeous scene. And she wanted something sweet too. And she didn’t want to train.

All fine by me baby, I told her. We got a caramel brownie and it was absolutely delicious. I would have expected her to want to have much more sweet things but that was it.

Hmmm. Interesting.

After a while I got up and she wanted to go do some shopping. Ok let’s go. I went into this shop where they have stationary and children’s toys and grown up books called Whitcouls.

We walked around looking at unicorn stuff and I promised her that she could pick something, but something that would feel good to both of us. The grown up and the kiddo. We found a fluffy Alpaca key chain. She was happy, and I was happy too.

alpaca keychain
The Alpaca key chain.

I thought, ok let’s go home. She didn’t want to, so we went to the grass, took out the beach / Yoga towel and after about 11 minutes in the sun I automatically started stretching and doing some Asana’s. I even did some push-ups.

I was surprised, it was not a plan it was something that happened naturally.

When it was time to go home, I thought I’d take the bus and the bus drove by meaning I just missed it. Oh well, than I wasn’t supposed to take it anyway, because everything happens FOR me and I walked home.

My inner girl felt really good, and apparently so good that when I passed the pull up place, I automatically pulled out my pull up band and did some. I even did jump squats.

And this is how I came to understand that if I just follow my joy and nourish my inner child whenever she needs it, she allows the planner, the grown up, the want-to-accomplish-too-many-things-in-a-day part of me to do these things with ease and fun.

I took out the mat to do some Asana, but that was too much lol. So that will come, whenever it comes.

What I loved the most? That I felt so peaceful and “in control” no bingeing going on, no temper tantrums, nothing of the kind. Just a very happy, easy and joyful day. And the day isn’t even over yet.

How does it get even better than this … 😀

With So much love from me and my little one, to you and your little one.

As always, ask me anything.

With so much love,


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