woman doing yoga pose


Hey everyone, since this is also a big love of mine, in addition to consciously creating my life, I will share my new and past experiences on my blog too. May it assist you on your journey to having the most wonderful Yoga Asana experience.

I have decided a bit longer in Auckland. I started my New Zealand journey at Torbay in the home and the Studio of Marjolein – owner of Roots Yoga in Torbay, with whom I also followed a class, more on that in one of the next posts.

I feel I want to stay here longer, so I decided to take advantage of the amazing deal they had at Yoga Sanctuary Auckland. A coincidence that they had this offer? Who knows ;-D

So far I have done three classes, and I want to share about my third class, the one I did this morning with Abbey-Lee. And even though it was a level 1 Vinyasa it felt more intense than the Vinyasa Level 2 I did last Friday. And I liked it.

One of the things that I liked a lot about it was that the transitioning from one to the other Asana was fluid and logical, something that not all teachers understand that well.

If you know me, you know that I love a physical challenge so this was exactly what I needed.

And even though I didn’t feel like going this morning, I remembered after listening to the interview with Andrew and André, on the “Know Thyself” podcast Andrew saying that he had committed to doing Yoga everyday for a while. And so I went. And I’m happy I did. My mind thought bleh level 1 [sorry just being honest lol] spirit knew there was something to be gained from going to the class, which is always no matter how “easy” my body judges the class to be.

Abbey is a lovely soul, feels she has a lot of experience teaching and uses the phrase ‘beautiful people’ a lot. What I like about her unique style is the calmness the Asanas require, she goes slow through them which makes the practice harder and more accurate because you have time to spend on your alignment.

It was challenging at times and I didn’t understand everything too well all the time, which is also part of following a new teacher and their style. I still have energy for another class tomorrow, something that didn’t always happen in Berlin after I had been training with Anita, Mateusz or Dana in Berlin [ all of whom I will discuss in future posts, and can highly recommend too ] so let’s see what will happen in the Vinyasa 2 tomorrow with Michele, whom I had the pleasure to meet her “coincidentally” last Saturday after attending the transformational Yoga class of Marjolein which I will discuss too in another post.

If you happen to find yourself in Auckland Northshore, visit Abbey-Lee’s class at Yoga Sanctuary if you’d like to have a bit of a challenge.

This is what Abbey-Lee has to say about Yoga:

“Yoga is a beautiful journey of connection, within ourselves, to our breath, and our community. I look forward to practicing with you soon. Namaste”

Before I leave you, of the classes that I attended at Yoga Sanctuary so far, I am surprised to notice that the teachers don’t spiritually open and close the sessions together with the students. I am used to that and very much appreciate it since my practice and teacher training in India and somehow the schools and teachers that I found in Berlin, all open and close in a more traditional way. Some more than others of course.

And that of all the teachers that I have visited till now, that of Abbey came closest to a “proper” closing in my personal book of Yoga Asana.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings.If you like coffee after your class, I’ve tried a couple of cafe’s here and till now the best oat milk cappuccino that I had in Mairangi Bay was at Pukeko

Have a great one, Namaste.


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