Last week I needed to have a dose of some strong Yoga so I figured let’s go to East West again. I had been going to classes daily and on some days twice a day the week before and when I wanted to join Dan on Sunday the Auckland Marathon threw some blocks on the road, so I didn’t do the class.

While I was disappointed about it at the moment, I knew it was a good thing, otherwise I would have been able to go. Why do I believe this? Well that’s a story for a different time, in short I know that everything is always happening FOR me and not TO me. And yes, everything that transpired that day because I missed that class was nothing short from miraculous.

Anyway, that’s not where I was going with this post. Yoga with Craig. I checked out EAST-WEST schedule and it said “Beginner”. I wanted to have something a bit stronger but since it was Hot Yoga, and my past experiences with Hot Yoga are not so amazing, I reckoned it would be great.

Holy and what comes after, it was pretty intense people. The ones of you that know me, know that I love to practice and teach pretty strong, and I’m not weak consequently. Man … every time I feel like I’ve got some things “down” Yoga kicks my not so humble hiney to reel me back to where I belong; Open and Curious and Willing to Grow.

It was a Bikram basics class with a lot of balancing [crap] and forward bends with a lot of forward bending on a whole different level [ crapperdicrap] BUT. AND it was AMAZING.

This man knows his stuff, how he led us through the different asana’s was wonderful and he’s funny too. He kept a great eye on the alignment of everyone which I really love, and isn’t always easy for a teacher as I know from experience too, and I still love it.

Moral of this story; Ashtangi’s, Hathi’s and Vinyasa-i’s, dip your body in Bikram too, it let’s you go into energetic spaces you might not have dipped your yoga toes in for a while.

Craig, thank you! East West thank YOU for your amazing line-up of teachers. Everyone that I have had the pleasure to practice with has been nothing short of amazing.

With so much love for me and my humble body,


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