Hello dearest lovely one, My goodness what a trip this wonderful life is when you decide to let it be what it wants to be….

As you know I am in New Zealand currently, I have just finished an Ashtanga Yoga workshop with one of the world’s [not joking here] best Ashtanga teachers who is called Peter Sanson.

It was an experience that is etched in my being for life, and that was a potentiality that I chose to experience, because I experienced it …. Every day we choose what we will experience with how we show up, with what State we choose to inhabit from moment to moment.

You already know this, and it is worth repeating; Repetition is the mother of all embodiment [ I just made that up and I love it lol]: YOU create YOUR reality, your life experience, the events, the people, the situations, the feelings, the products, the food, the materials, the world, YOUR WORLD with your thoughts, your feelings and your beliefs.

The State Creates. Follow this advice, it is the best advice you can follow hands down:

—-> Start with Cold Showers every morning. It can be a bitch but oh my Goodness it is SO empowering. The last thing you want to do in the morning is take a cold shower because it is extremely uncomfortable, especially the moment that cold water hits your warm and groggy body. And then for about the first 3o seconds you try not to wake up the rest of the neighbourhood. Oh but then! Something magical happens… Your cells wake up and you are freakingly proud of yourself that you did that hard thing. And because of you doing this hard thing, you strengthen your confidence muscle and you start to experience and believe that you are capable of doing hard things. In addition your cells feel amazing, your cells wake up, you feel awake and rejuvenated and the glow on your skin will make any glow worm ask you for your skin care routine.

And in addition , I have this golden tip for you: The idea of you having to get into a cold shower will tell you INSTANTLY where you are vibing at, you see the State and the ideas belonging to it automatically form in your head. And I experienced that first hand this morning, and I hadn’t even put it together like that yet, which is crazy to me since I’m SO into this but apparently it needed to show itself like this so that I could share it with all of you ….

This morning I woke up, and the last 3 days I really didn’t want to start my day with a cold shower, I did though the previous 2 days but today I was like Ugh no, I am allowed to have a break, I did 4 week workshop and it has been tough enough, also with intermittent fasting and yadiyadiyadi it went on in my head.

I kinda had decided that I would skip this morning all together and maybe shower later in the day. I did my morning meditation and my affirmations and then something happened; When I read my affirmations [somehow reading them makes them click into my being more then when I only affirm them from memory] and all of a sudden I hear myself thinking; YEAH, LET’S HAVE THIS COLD SHOWER.

Holy …..what?!? Lol. So THIS is how this works to a T.

YOU are the creator of your life, and whatever you decide to be at any moment in time dictates the thoughts you have, the emotions you have and thus your the next event, and the next event, and the next.

And all of these events strung together is – > your life experience.

I’ll leave you with one last tip, which I will expand on more in a future post and/or video, make a list of intentions EVERY DAY. And watch the video below to get you on your high flying disc.

ps today I have already experienced 7 of my wishes coming into fruition, because I simply claim my goodness. So what are you waiting for, claim your BEST life. Because you can.

You’re welcome.

Sending you MUCH Love.

If you would like to be coached by me, you can either join my 7 week program; Hello Freedom Goodbye Fear. Or book a single Session.

For details, check this page and / or email me.


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