Hey everyone, so this is the second post I write about my Yoga Asana experiences. I decided to add this [writing about Yoga that is] to the mix on my Blog since I adore Yoga Asana, and I want to share this with you so that you either can experience the teachers I love so much myself or / and that you …feel drawn to start your Yoga Asana journey, because it really is all that it is cracked up to be 😀

On a Wednesday morning at the Yoga Sanctuary in Mairangi Bay in Auckland I had my first Yoga Asana class with Michele.

Before I go into the experience of the class, as I told you in this post I did on my Yoga Asana experience at Yoga Sanctuary, we met each other at Marjolein’s place – Yoga Roots  in Torbay – where she was to pick up the Koshi chimes she had ordered. A Koshi chime, I learned, is a beautiful music device made from bamboo and the sound that comes from it heavenly. Marjolein offers them on her website, if you’re interested.

When I looked into Michele her amazing eyes I knew that she was one, but one of what exactly I hadn’t fully made out yet. She is charming, full of joy, authentically herself, completely turned on and in complete Goddess mode.

Being around someone like her can do either of two things; 1. You feel very intimidated and you crawl into your shell, or 2. You get ignited and you dive deeper into your own divinity. It’s exactly like the poem of Marianne Williamson in which she talks about our deepest fears, you might know it the poem starts with that how our deepest fears aren’t that we’re inadequate, it is actually that we’re powerful beyond measure. And this part, that is what Michele also gifts to our world:

“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”

Marianne Williamson

We are all walking each other “home”. Coming back home into our true selves, our powerful selves, our divine selves.

This particular Wednesday morning, again, I felt a resistance of going to class like I had the day before. I now know that whenever I feel any resistance there will be an ignition of some sort, a growth experience that is ALWAYS there FOR me, so of course I went.

When I arrived at the studio and I saw Michele see me I was  SO happy that I decided to come. 

And then, then the class started. To my wonderful surprise Michele started singing in Lemurian Light Language. My body instantly rose in vibration and it was a wonderful taster of what was about to come.

The whole class was exquisite from beginning to end. I love classes that make sense, when one movement flows over into the other and what I love even more, if teachers understand the breath, body and mind connection. And that are not too easy. Thank you for drilling me and my muscles Dana, Anita and Mateusz [ my former Berlin Yoga Asana teachers] lol.

It was a wonderful dance from beginning to end, moving in exactly the way that my body loves to move, lengthening, balancing, challenging, opening and flowing….A Guided Dance with Myself. It was the exact perfect level of intensity and I’m starting to appreciate the beauty in Asana classes that leave some energy for the rest of the day.

I still do love extremely intense classes too though, but since I’m here I haven’t done them.

Going at a slow pace through a beautifully structured flow & moving with the breathe is an honouring to the body, to life, and to Yoga Asana . With this post I am trying to put it into words, but can’t really, it has to be felt.

Michele, thank you so much for this wonderful experience. I am grateful for you and the space we get to share.


For all of you that are out there, if you ever get the chance to practice with this beautiful expression of life called Michele do so and let me know how it was. please.

Feel like having a drink or food after your practice, either go by car or take the bus to Takapuna. Walk or drive to the Takapuna Beach cafĂ© for an oat cappuccino. And if you’re more into non-caffeinated  and soothing drinks go for the black sesame oat latte. Or both, as is my usual “ritual” when I’m there.

With SO much love,


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